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It’s low in calories, completely free of fats and cholesterol and packs in more potassium than four bananas.
Naturally refreshing, coconut water has a sweet and nutty taste. It has carbs that can be easily digested in the form of sugar and electrolytes .
This yummy alternative to water is a, erm, hot favourite during summers. The liquid is packed with nutrients and promises a variety of health benefits. We list down seven of them for you:
Coconut water has an extremely low-fat content and you can drink quite a bit without worrying about weight gain.
This is contrary to consumption of soft drinks, juices, tea or coffee. Since it’s a little “richer” than water, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer and can also suppress appetite.
Unlike all other drinks – except maybe sports drinks – available on the market, coconut water contains the five essential electrolytes that are present in the human body.
In fact, the position of minerals is better in coconut water than in orange/mousambi juice. So drink up if you want your quota of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium.