![Prompt Delivery](https://smartdoko.com//storage/photos/2/badge-icon/Smartdoko New ICON 2021-01.png)
Prompt Delivery
Fastest delivery guaranteed
![Reward Points](https://smartdoko.com//storage/photos/2/badge-icon/Smartdoko New ICON 2021-02.png)
Reward Points
Earn reward points on every purchase
![Genuine Products](https://smartdoko.com//storage/photos/2/badge-icon/Smartdoko New ICON 2021-03.png)
Genuine Products
We provide genuine bills through authorised vendors
![Mode of Payment](https://smartdoko.com//storage/photos/2/badge-icon/Smartdoko New ICON 2021-04.png)
Mode of Payment
Make your payment via Cash/Card/Cellpay/E-sewa
![Flash Sales & Offers](https://smartdoko.com//storage/photos/2/badge-icon/Smartdoko New ICON 2021-05.png)
Flash Sales & Offers
Everyday flash sales with amazing offers
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Customer Testimonials
![Dilip Rai](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608835836_5702.jpg)
I started using Smartdoko in 2017, recommended by my niece, a bit apprehensively as online shopping in Nepal was a relatively new experience for me but SD has always exceeded my expectations with timely deliveries, easy to use App and website.
![Dr. Shrujana Shrestha](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608812164_1380.jpg)
SmartDoko has become my go-to shopping platform and an absolute saviour. It would be quite right to admit that they've succeeded in meeting my expectations every time. I'd like to emphasize on their exceptional customer service and fair price
![Saugat Pakhrin Lama](/images/placeholder.jpg)
Seamless shopping experience, prompt delivery, and great customer service!
![Tilli Maya Ghale](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608909735_3087.jpg)
SmartDoko has done tremendous job on delivering item to my loved ones at Nepal. Being away from home on special occasions or at hard situations, SmartDoko has delivered all the needs on time and I will continue to shop with SmartDoko in future.
![Sadichha Shrestha](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608835941_3126.jpg)
Smartdoko has been an amazing platform, very user friendly, great range of products and well integrated with online payment gateways making my shopping experience incredibly simple and safe!
![Priti Sitaula](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608835887_1844.jpg)
Smartdoko has been my problem solver especially during this pandemic when we can’t get out as much to get our daily needed products. I love their fast delivery and easy to communicate staff.
![Dilip Rai](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608835836_5702.jpg)
I started using Smartdoko in 2017, recommended by my niece, a bit apprehensively as online shopping in Nepal was a relatively new experience for me but SD has always exceeded my expectations with timely deliveries, easy to use App and website.
![Dr. Shrujana Shrestha](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608812164_1380.jpg)
SmartDoko has become my go-to shopping platform and an absolute saviour. It would be quite right to admit that they've succeeded in meeting my expectations every time. I'd like to emphasize on their exceptional customer service and fair price
![Saugat Pakhrin Lama](/images/placeholder.jpg)
Seamless shopping experience, prompt delivery, and great customer service!
![Tilli Maya Ghale](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608909735_3087.jpg)
SmartDoko has done tremendous job on delivering item to my loved ones at Nepal. Being away from home on special occasions or at hard situations, SmartDoko has delivered all the needs on time and I will continue to shop with SmartDoko in future.
![Sadichha Shrestha](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608835941_3126.jpg)
Smartdoko has been an amazing platform, very user friendly, great range of products and well integrated with online payment gateways making my shopping experience incredibly simple and safe!
![Priti Sitaula](https://smartdoko.com/storage/customer-testimonials/thumb/1608835887_1844.jpg)
Smartdoko has been my problem solver especially during this pandemic when we can’t get out as much to get our daily needed products. I love their fast delivery and easy to communicate staff.