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Blocks the latest viruses, ransomware, spyware, crypto lockers & more – and helps stop cryptocurrency mining malware from damaging your PC’s performance
Essential Antivirus - Prevents damage & downtime
Award-winning antivirus technologies help to protect your PC from the latest viruses, ransomware and other malware.
Script detection - blocks cryptocurrency mining malware
By detecting scripts, we help to stop cryptocurrency mining malware slowing down your PC and adding to your Internet traffic.
Efficient security that lets your PC perform
With our security working ‘behind the scenes’ – continuously scanning to find threats – your PC can keep performing as it’s meant to. And, because our security is now 15% ‘lighter’ – there’s even less load on your PC.
Product Name | Kaspersky Anti-Virus |
Model | 1 Device | 1 Year | 1 Key |
Brand | Kaspersky |
Country of Origin | Russia |
General Functions | Essential Protection for your PC |
Activation Information | No |